Langlois T, Goetze J, Bond T, Monk J, Abesamis RA, Asher J, Barrett N, Bernard ATF, Bouchet PJ, Birt MJ, Cappo M, Currey‐Randall LM, Driessen D, Fairclough DV, Fullwood LAF, Gibbons BA, Harasti D, Heupel MR, Hicks J, Holmes TH, Huveneers C, Ierodiaconou D, Jordan A, Knott NA, Lindfield S, Malcolm HA, McLean D, Meekan M, Miller D, Mitchell PJ, Newman SJ, Radford B, Rolim FA, Saunders BJ, Stowar M, Smith ANH, Travers MJ, Wakefield CB, Whitmarsh SK, Williams J, Harvey ES (2020). A field and video annotation guide for baited remote underwater stereo‐video surveys of demersal fish assemblages. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11 (11), 1401-1409.
MacNeil MA, Chapman DD, Heupel M, Simpfendorfer CA, Heithaus M, Simpfendorfer CA, Heithaus M, Meekan M, Harvey E, Goetze J, Kiszka J, Bond ME, Currey-Randall LM, et al. (2020). Global status and conservation potential of reef sharks. Nature 583 (7818), 801-806.
Marriott RJ, Mapstone BD, Ballagh AC, Currey LM, Penny AL, Williams AJ, Jackson G, Lou DC, Mapleston AJ, Jarvis NDC, Keay IS & Newman SJ (2010). Accepting final counts from repeat readings of otoliths: should a common criterion apply to the age estimation of fish? Marine and Freshwater Research 61: 1171-1184.
Williams AJ, Davies CR, Mapstone BD, Currey LM, Welch DJ, Begg GA, Ballagh AC, Choat JH, Murchie CD & Simpfendorfer CA (2009). Age-based demography of humpback grouper Cromileptes altivelis: implications for fisheries management and conservation. Endangered Species Research 9: 67-79.
Williams AJ, Currey LM, Begg GA, Murchie CD & Ballagh AC (2008). Population biology of coral trout species in the eastern Torres Strait: Implications for fishery management. Continental Shelf Research 28: 2129-2142.
Williams AJ, Ballagh AC, Begg GA, Murchie CD & Currey LM (2008). Harvest patterns and effort dynamics of indigenous and non-indigenous commercial sectors of the eastern Torres Strait reef line fishery. Continental Shelf Research 28: 2129-2142.
Scientific Reports
Various Industry reports for projects based in WA - 2017-2020
Currey LM, Simpfendorfer CA, Williams AJ (2010). Resilience of reef fish species on the Great Barrier Reef and in Torres Strait: Project 4.8.3 Milestone Report to the Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility. p. 32. Cairns: Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited.
Tobin AJ, Simpfendorfer CA, Mapleston A, Currey LM, Harry AJ, Welch DJ, Ballagh AC, Chin A, Szczecinski N, Schlaff A, White J (2010). A Quantitative Ecological Risk Assessment of Sharks and Finfish of Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area Inshore Waters: A tool for fisheries and marine park managers: identifying species at risk and potential mitigation strategies. Project 4.8.3 Milestone Report to the Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility, p. 44. Cairns: Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited.
Currey LM, Williams AJ, Simpfendorfer CA, Ballagh AC & Penny AL (2009). Comparative Biology of the Key Inter-Reefal Lethrinid Species on the Great Barrier Reef: Project 4.8.3. Milestone Report to the Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility p. 29. Cairns: Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited.
Currey LM & Simpfendorfer CA (2009). Comparative Biology of the Key Inter-Reefal Labrids on the Great Barrier Reef: Project 4.8.3. Milestone Report to the Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility. p. 20. Cairns: Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited.
Heupel MR, Currey LM, Williams AJ, Simpfendorfer CA, Ballagh AC & Penny AL (2009). Comparative biology of lutjanid species on the Great Barrier Reef: Project 4.8.3. Milestone report to the Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility. p. 30. Cairns: Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited.
Mapleston A, Currey LM, Williams AJ, Pears RJ, Simpfendorfer C, Penny AL, Tobin A & Welch DJ (2009). Comparative biology of the key inter-reefal serranid species on the Great Barrier Reef: Project 4.8.3. Milestone Report to the Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility. p. 55. Cairns: Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited.
Williams AJ, Mapstone BD, Currey LM, Ballagh AC, Murchie CD, Davies CR, Choat JH, Simpfendorfer CA & Welch DJ (2007). Population biology of barramundi cod, Cromileptes altivelis, from the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait: Project 4.8.3. Milestone Report to the Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility. p. 25. Cairns: Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited.
Williams AJ, Begg GA, Little LR, Currey LM, Ballagh AC & Murchie CD (2007). Evaluation of the Eastern Torres Strait Reef Line Fishery. Fishing and Fisheries Research Centre Technical Report No. 1. Townsville: School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, James Cook University. ISBN: 9780864437983.
Simpfendorfer CA, Ballagh AC, Williams AJ & Currey LM (2007). Harvest patterns of the "Other Species" quota group in the Coral Reef Fin Fish Fishery: Project 4.8.3 Milestone Report to the Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility. p. 35. Cairns: Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited.
Currey LM (2015). Movement of an exploited coral reef teleost across multiple temporal and spatial scales. PhD Thesis. Townsville: James Cook University.
Currey LM (2003). The influence of structural habitat complexity on fish assemblages in tropical estuarine tidal pools. Honours Thesis. Townsville: James Cook University.
Conference & Seminar Presentations
Currey-Randall LM. Temporal stability of submerged reef fish communities in North-Western Australia [Oral]. Marine Science for a blue economy: Australian Marine Sciences Association Conference, July 2019, Freemantle, Australia.
Currey LM. Multi-scale studies: Fish movements in a coral reef environment [Invited Presentation]. Animals In Motion Symposium, February 2017, Townsville, Australia.
Currey LM. ‘BRUVing’ Research using Baited Remote Underwater Video systems [Presentation & Demonstration]. Aboriginal Summer School for Excellence in Technology and Science (ASSETS), December 2016 and 2017, Townsville, Australia
Currey LM, Heupel MR. Northern Great Barrier Reef: a Haven of Shark Diversity and Abundance. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, July 2016, New Orleans, USA.
Currey LM, Heupel MR, Simpfendorfer CA & Williams AJ (2015). Assessing fine-scale diel movement patterns of an exploited reef fish. 89th Australian Coral Reef Society Conference, Daydream Island, Whitsundays, Australia.
Currey LM, Heupel MR, Simpfendorfer CA & Williams AJ (2015). Some like to move it, move it: Multiple techniques reveal a complete picture of fish movement. 89th Australian Coral Reef Society Conference, Daydream Island, Whitsundays, Australia.
Currey LM, Heupel MR, Simpfendorfer CA & Williams AJ (2014). A mobile predator? Variable space and depth use patterns of an exploited coral reef fish. Australian Society for Fish Biology & Australian Society of Limnology Joint Congress, Darwin, NT, Australia.
Currey LM, Heupel MR, Simpfendorfer CA & Williams AJ (2013). Travel tales of teleosts (via isotopes and ear bones). School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Postgraduate Conference, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia.
Currey, LM, Movement of redthroat emperor (a tasty reef fish) in time and space (2013). Townsville Probus Inc. (Organised through Office of Engagement at JCU, Tsv Speakers Program), Townsville RSL, Townsville, Australia.
Currey LM, Heupel MR, Simpfendorfer CA (2013). Stay or stray? Examination of reef-based movement of redthroat emperor. AIMS@JCU Seminar Day, ReefHQ, Townsville, Australia
Currey LM, Heupel MR, Simpfendorfer CA (2013). Stay or stray? Examination of reef-based movement of redthroat emperor. 2nd International Conference on Fish Telemetry, Rhodes University Grahamstown, South Africa.
Currey, LM, Movement of redthroat emperor (a tasty reef fish) in time and space (2013). Townsville Central Rotary Club (Organised through Office of Engagement at JCU, Tsv Speakers Program), Townsville RSL, Townsville, Australia.
Currey LM, Heupel MR, Simpfendorfer CA & Clark TD (2012). I will survive (after release) (2012). My Research in 3 Minutes: 3 competition rounds (School of Earth and Environmental Sciences; Faculty of Science and Engineering; James Cook University Competitions), James Cook University, Townsville, Australia (Postgraduate winner & Postgraduate runner up).
Currey LM, Heupel MR, Clark TD, Simpfendorfer CA, Williams AJ & Sutton S (2012). Max from the catch? Blood lactate loads of redthroat emperor associated with angling stress and exhaustive exercise. AIMS@JCU Seminar Day, Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Australia.
Currey LM (2012). The Great Barrier Reef: A great place to study! Milchester State School, May 2012, Charters Towers, Australia.
Currey LM, Heupel MR, Simpfendorfer CA & Sutton S (2011). Where do they go? Nobody knows! Initial movement findings of an important fishery species around Heron Island. Australian National Network in Marine Science, University of WA, Perth, Australia.
Currey LM, Heupel MR, Simpfendorfer CA & Sutton S (2011). Where do they go? Nobody knows! Initial movement findings of an important fishery species around Heron Island. School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Postgraduate Student Conference, James Cook University, Townsville Australia (Award winner).
Currey LM, Simpfendorfer CA & Williams AJ (2010). Which fish species are more resilient to coral reef fisheries? Australian Society for Fish Biology Annual Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Currey LM, Mapleston A & Tobin A. (2009). Visiting anglers – A pulse in fishing activity. 8th Indo Pacific Fish Conference and 2009 ASFB Workshop & Conference, Freemantle, Australia.
Currey LM, Williams AJ, Simpfendorfer CA, Ballagh AC, Penny AL, Welch DJ, Mapstone BD & Davies CR (2008). Comparative Biology of Four Species of Emperor (Family Lethrinidae) on the Great Barrier Reef. Australian Society for Fish Biology Annual Conference, Bondi, Australia.